Various video games came out based on the 3×3 Eyes manga and OVA. Two video games were developed for the Super Famicom. The first titled, 3×3 Eyes Seima korin-den (3×3EYES 聖魔降臨伝) was developed by Yutaka and released on July 28, 1992. The second titled, 3×3 Eyes Jūma hōkan (3×3EYES 獣魔奉還) was developed by Banpresto and released on December 22, 1995. A video game for the Sega Mega-CD titled, Seima Densetsu 3×3 Eyes MCD (聖魔伝説3×3EYES MCD) was developed by Sega and released on July 23, 1993.
《三隻眼》(3×3 EYES)是一部傳奇漫畫,為日本漫畫家高田裕三的代表作品,從1987年開始連載到2002年,歷時15年共40卷的長篇漫畫。其以對全球各民族神話中所嚮往的不老不死之神術的通一性和神話中的或神或魔的傳説中的妖物——三隻眼民族為出發點,講述了一個發生在地球、聖地以及亞空間的帶有神話色彩的少年少女冒險奇幻故事。