2016年7月13日 星期三

The Laughing Salesman / Warau seerusuman (笑ゥせぇるすまん)

The Laughing Salesman (Warau seerusuman) is a horror manga created by duo Fujiko Fujio, and later, Fujiko Fujio A. The manga began as a one-shot series serialized in Shogakukan's Big Comic magazine on 1968, later becoming a full pledged series published by Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha's Comic Sunday magazine from 1969 to 1971. The manga tells the story of a salesman named Moguro Fukuzo, whose job is to help people fill gaps in their soul. However, in reality, he ruins people's lives if his clients backstabbed him or never asked him for help.


2016年7月10日 星期日

Cyborg 009 (サイボーグゼロゼロナイン)

Three video games based on the series were released only in Japan. One of them was an action platformer released for the Super Famicom by BEC in 1994, in which each level one of the eight adult cyborgs (001 is not playable) is selected as the leader of a strike force for a particular mission and the player is allowed to choose two others to accompany them. The other game (released by Telenet Japan's subsidiary Riot) in 1993 was for theMega CD and is also a side scroller. In 2002, Simple Characters 2000 Series Vol. 15: Cyborg 009: The Block Kuzushi was released for the PlayStation by Bandai.


2016年7月7日 星期四

Android Assault: The Revenge of Bari-Arm / Bari-arm (バリアーム)

Android Assault: The Revenge of Bari-Arm, released in Japan as Bari-arm (バリアーム), is a 1993 shoot 'em up video game developed and published by Human Entertainmentfor the Sega CD.


2016年7月5日 星期二

Seima Densetsu 3×3 Eyes (聖魔伝説3×3EYES)

Various video games came out based on the 3×3 Eyes manga and OVA. Two video games were developed for the Super Famicom. The first titled, 3×3 Eyes Seima korin-den (3×3EYES 聖魔降臨伝) was developed by Yutaka and released on July 28, 1992. The second titled, 3×3 Eyes Jūma hōkan (3×3EYES 獣魔奉還) was developed by Banpresto and released on December 22, 1995. A video game for the Sega Mega-CD titled, Seima Densetsu 3×3 Eyes MCD (聖魔伝説3×3EYES MCD) was developed by Sega and released on July 23, 1993.

《三隻眼》(3×3 EYES)是一部傳奇漫畫,為日本漫畫家高田裕三的代表作品,從1987年開始連載到2002年,歷時15年共40卷的長篇漫畫。其以對全球各民族神話中所嚮往的不老不死之神術的通一性和神話中的或神或魔的傳説中的妖物——三隻眼民族為出發點,講述了一個發生在地球、聖地以及亞空間的帶有神話色彩的少年少女冒險奇幻故事。

2016年7月3日 星期日

Robo Aleste / Dennin Aleste (電忍アレスタ)

Robo Aleste, released in Japan as Dennin Aleste (電忍アレスタ), is a 1992 vertically scrolling shooter video game developed and published by Compile for the Mega-CD. Tengen and Sega released the English version of the game overseas in 1993. It is part of the Aleste series, and is a followup to M.U.S.H.A. for the Mega Drive.

1992 年在日本發行的 Mega-CD 游戲電忍銀河號 (電忍アレスタ) 是アレスタ系列的第四部 (前三部為:1988 年 SMS 平台的 Power Strike/Aleste (アレスタ)、1990 年 MD 平台的 M.U.S.H.A./Musha Aleste (武者アレスタ)、1991 年 GG 平台的 Power Strike II/GG Aleste (GG アレスタ)),並作為 COMPILE 成立十周年紀念作品推出的。日版由 COMPILE 於 1992 年發行,1993 年發行海外版,美版發行商是 TENGEN,歐版是世嘉,海外版的遊戲名為 ROBO ALESTE。

2016年6月30日 星期四

Quiz Tonosama no Yabou (カプコンのクイズ殿様の野望)

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Quiz Tonosama no Yabou is a 1991 arcade quiz game by Capcom. SIMS ported it to the Sega Mega-CD in 1992, calling it Capcom no Quiz Tonosama no Yabou. No version was released outside Japan.



Youtube 頻道:https://goo.gl/jM1ZfP


2016年6月29日 星期三

Honoo no Toukyuuji Dodge Danpei (炎の闘球児ドッジ弾平)

Honoo no Toukyuuji Dodge Danpei (炎の闘球児ドッジ弾平) is a 1992 dodgeball game for the Sega Mega Drive and Sega Game Gear tying into TV Tokyo's Honoo no Toukyuuji Dodge Danpei anime.

《鬥球兒彈平》(日語:《炎の闘球児 ドッジ弾平》;港譯《鬥球小子》)是日本漫畫家越田哲弘以躲避球為題材的少年漫畫,後改編為電視動畫。在台灣由青文出版社代理漫畫出版。